

And this is some Links from me. They might usefull for u all :))

  1. MD Basic Syntax
    Some basic syntax useful for creating formats in MD. Such as bold, heading, paragraph, etc. I use this website to create MD in this repository to make it more interesting.

  2. JavaScript Tutorial
    Video tutorial for coding using javascript. This video is in Indonesian uploaded by “Programmer Zaman Now”. The content is quite complete, although it includes a tutorial for public.

  3. GitHub Tutorial
    YouTube video (again) from “Programmer Zaman Now” (again) which contains a tutorial on how to use github for beginners in Indonesian. You can also watch this video to learn more about GitHub.

  4. Peran AI dalam marketing
    Web that contains some of the roles of AI in the world of marketing. This website is useful for me in doing coursework, maybe it will be useful for you guys too

  5. Linked list Java SDA Material
    Java Linked list material for SDA. This material helps me alot for the assignment. This material was given by the lecturer too.

  6. F1 Standings Leaderboard 2021
    If you are a fan of F1, this website is the place where we can see the temporary leaderboard standings. Please note that the scores on this website are provisional results from the 2021 session. — Operating Systems 2021-2 Repository | Log | Page | LINKS